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2019-3-19 08:11

来源: investinblockchain

过去几周,市场情绪出现了轻微变化,从非常负面的看跌情绪转为积极的乐观情绪。排名前十的加密货币(不包括比特币和 Tether)大部分都经历了 90 天的价格上涨,涨幅均超过 50% 。其中特别吸引许多投机者的乐观情绪的代币就是以太坊。DelphiDigital 的研究表明,如果牛市在近期发生,以太坊可能在下一轮牛市中超越比特币。研究显示,与比特币的波动率相比,以太坊目前的波动率更高。其他研究表明,当市场内部相关性下降时,以太坊的表现往往优于比特币。

Ethereum May Outperform Bitcoin In The Next Bull Run

The market sentiment has seen a slight change over the past few weeks from a very negative bearish sentiment to one of hopeful optimism. The majority of the top 10 cryptocurrencies (excluding Bitcoin and Tether) have all seen increase 90-day price increases which all total over 50%. One particular coin which has enticed the optimism of many speculators is Ethereum. Research from DelphiDigital has suggested that Ethereum may even outperform Bitcoin in the next bull run, so long as the bull run occurs in the near time horizon. The research has suggested that Ethereum currently has higher volatility when compared with the volatility of Bitcoin. Other research has suggested that Ethereum tends to outperform Bitcoin when intra-market correlations drop.

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